Math in Mixed-Age Classrooms at Springwell

One question I always get from prospective parents is: how exactly do you teach math in a mixed-age classroom? Can one teacher support multiple levels of learning in one setting?

The answer is yes, absolutely!

This framework of mixed-level learning only works if we are able to shift our thinking from learning as linear, teacher-directed transmissions of knowledge from 1 teacher to all students at the same time in one classroom.

Instead, our teachers provide provocations and lines of inquiry for each student or to small groups of students who are enthralled in the same topic or same math skills. Sometimes instruction happens to the entire group; other times a teacher may work with 2 or 3 students at a time depending on math level; other times, students work independently on the particular skill that they are tackling.

Let’s take a closer look at math learning at Springwell. These examples are taken from our mixed age classroom spanning Grades 2 to 4 this year.

Our 2nd graders are learning how to graph the growth of our class avocado tree. Using the graph, students are learning to infer information about how tall the tree was on days they couldn’t measure, and show different ways to display & organize information.

Our third grader is independently using the Montessori Stamp Game to practice borrowing while subtracting from large numbers with multiple zeros. Math is integrated with environmental studies, as this student is calculating Red Panda population growth and the destruction and reforestation of their habitat.

Another third grader is working on a series of word problems customized to her classroom economy farmer’s market business. They have involved multiplication, long division to help calculate total income, costs and profit margin for sale of apples.

Our 4th grader is busy learning to calculate the area of a trapezoid with a new formula and method for long division with decimals.

All of this learning is happening in one classroom, together.

Multi-level, multi-age instruction is a dynamic way of teaching that meets each child where they are. To the large group, teachers share general concepts; at the individual level, instruction increases in complexity, as benchmarks are based on their grade and skill levels.

Now that’s learning the Springwell Way!

Next Virtual Open House: Sat. June 12, 1pm

Come meet our Head of School and Assistant Head of School. Get your questions answered live about our academic program.

We are currently accepting applications for students entering Grades 2-5 this fall. There are only a few spots left!

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When Students are Enthralled: Project-Based Learning at Springwell


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