Parental Exhaustion is Real

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Parental burnout is real.

It happens when the system is overloaded with too much! We are at our wits end with too much pulling our attention in all directions, and little time for restoration.

Often, I feel guilty myself of being tired, grumpy, distracted, when my children are doing nothing but being kids. All they want to do is play, interact, share, eat, talk, get my attention, go to the bathroom. You know, usual human being things. And all I want to do is have time to focus on work projects, take a breath every once in a while, eat my own ice cream without sharing it with a toddler, and cook a meal without being interrupted by the need to wipe a bottom.

Sound familiar?!

These stressors which take a very real toll on the mind, body, and spirit, do not even take into account additional traumatic stressors of caring for ill loved ones, mourning losses of life during this pandemic year, job losses and personal transitions, and children who need special care and support.

You're not alone. And, it's not your fault.

The truth is, our dominant culture is not quite wired to support well-being and balance, and it certainly does not prioritize children being children.

At Springwell, our intent is to provide RELIEF during this pandemic to let kids follow their huge imaginations and curiosity, and provide RELIEF to parents and give some blocks of time back to you for mental, emotional, and physical restoration.

In order to support families in our community, and to keep the spark of curiosity alive for our young ones, Springwell is organizing in-person enrichment learning pods to begin this January. These will be part-time opportunities that will provide engagement, fun, and learning for students, and much needed relief for parents.

Starting January 2021, we will offer part-time, mixed-age Springwell Learning Pods for elementary school students in our community of Washington, DC and Maryland's Capital Region.

We aim to help children thrive during the pandemic by bringing part-time innovative enrichment experiences into your home or in the outdoors, safely.

Learn more about our pods today. Pre-enrollment is open.


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