Chauvin Guilty Verdict

Communities across the country are breathing a sigh of relief and celebration after former police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of the murder of George Floyd. It was particularly moving to witness the experiences of Floyd’s family as they give meaning to the death of their loved one as an inflection point in our country’s racial history.

At Springwell, we are committed to raising a generation of leaders who are 1) able to process their own experiences of race and racial trauma, 2) able to hold wide-open space for stakeholders in hot button issues by developing powerful emotional capacity and non-violent communication skills, and 3) engage in the compassionate research, deliberation, negotiation, and leadership required to move difficult social issues forward.

For those families and educators seeking resources on how to discuss these issues with our young students, I share the following resources:

Common Sense Media: 
Explaining the News to Our Kids
How to Talk with Kids about Racism and Racial Violence

ABC News:
How to talk to your children about the Derek Chauvin trial in George Floyd's death 

How to talk to kids about racism and race protests (Howard Stevenson) 

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network:
For educators with great applicable advice for K-12 parents too: Race and Trauma in the Classroom



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