Authentic Growth in a Community of Belonging
Learning for Life. Serving Grades K - 8.
The Benefits of Springwell
Individualized approach to each student’s learning that enhances self-awareness and creates self-confident children.
Innovative, caring, and highly respected faculty use a developmentally appropriate curriculum that teaches all levels of students how to learn.
Inquiry-based academic program gifts each child with critical thinking skills and the ability to independently problem solve, and prepares students for life in the real world.
Socio-Emotional Learning at Springwell prioritizes self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and responsible decision-making. Teamwork and socialization skills are an integral part of a Springwell education.
Choice within structure. Students have options, independence, and decision-making within compassionate, developmentally appropriate boundaries.
Today during Springwell Circle, we held space for students to process the recent election results. Naturally, some students expressed frustration with the outcome, asking, "How could anyone vote for Trump?" I reminded them that, even though we are in Maryland, we can’t assume everyone in our community supported one candidate over the other; that at Springwell, we value people even if they think differently than we do, and that is one of the things that makes our community so special.